Welcome new ‘full package’ band – Fuel For Disaster from Norway!
1 veljače, 2014 in News by Stjepan Juras
From the deepest, darkest forests of Norway comes FUEL FOR DISASTER, an infernal musical army led by the feared Chontaraz, who possesses an attitude, darker and more mystical than ever known to man. And the only way to keep this brutal magic controlled is to spread the mood and the darkness that lies within their music in every inferno they visit on this earth. Armed to the teeth with majestic riffs and larger than life anthems, their long awaited debut-album ‘Chontaraz Khlan Krakatau’ is ready to be unleashed upon this world. With a unique combination of enchanting melodies and the aggression of Norwegian metal, this album is sure to showcase that Norwegian metal bands have so much more to offer. So prepare yourself to be dragged into the world of Chontaraz and his clan of wizards’ warriors, and experience the band live in 2014! They´re coming for you, they´re FUEL FOR DISASTER!