Wanna tour in Russia with FMS?
1 prosinca, 2014 in News by Stjepan Juras
Hello FMS bands. Maybe you already heard, but Russia is new ‘El Dorado’ of metal music. Great concerts, large number of visitors, and excellent merch sale. You really need to visit Russia and spend some of the greatest moment in your career. Full Metal Service started exciting collaboration with ‘Rocket To Russia’ agency and the first FMS band on Russian tour in 2015 (March) will be Pulvis Et Umbra from Italy. More details about this tour will be announced soon. If you want to tour in Russia (headline, or co-headline show), or tour with some world known metal band, just contact us on info@fullmetalservice.com and tell us your wishes. With Europe, Japan and South American tour opportunities, Russia is another large market and great place for your future tours. Are you ready? Contact us!