Elegy of Madness on Italian tour!
11 listopada, 2014 in News by Stjepan Juras
Full Metal Service member, female symphonc metal band Elegy of Madness is one of the newest FMS member. They are very active and productive band and it is pleasure to work with them. Right now, they announced Italian tour called ‘Elegy Of Madness – Italian Dream’. Check their official websites and find out additional information.
Website: www.elegyofmadness.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/elegyofmadness
– 05/11/2014, Midian (Eom Italian Tour) Cremona, Via delle industrie 24, Italy. 10pm
– 06/11/2014, Arci Svolta (Eom Italian Tour) Rozzani(Mi), Via Franchi 118, Italy. 10pm
– 07/11/2014, Birreria Old Saloon (Eom Italian Tour) Treviso, Via Feltrina 19, Italy. 10pm
– 08/11/2014, Industrial Patchanka (Metal Alliance Fest) Chieri(To), Piazza Caselli 9, Italy. 10pm
– 09/11/2014, Lucrezia Bar (Eom Italian Tour) Genova Vico, Caprettari 16, Italy. 10pm